Absolutely, considering protection when designing and building roads in metropolitan areas is crucial for several reasons:
Safety for Pedestrians and Cyclists:
Incorporating protective measures such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and barriers can significantly enhance the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. Separating them from vehicular traffic reduces the risk of accidents and improves overall road safety.
Traffic Management:
Well-designed roads with protective elements can help manage traffic flow more efficiently. This includes features like guardrails, traffic islands, and barriers that prevent unauthorized lane changes or illegal turns, reducing the likelihood of congestion and accidents.
Emergency Response:
Roads designed with protection in mind facilitate faster emergency response times. Clear lanes, designated emergency lanes, and access points for emergency vehicles ensure that help can reach those in need promptly, potentially saving lives in critical situations.

Mitigating Vehicle Collisions:
Protective measures such as crash barriers, rumble strips, and speed bumps can reduce the severity of vehicle collisions and minimize damage to vehicles and infrastructure. These features serve as physical deterrents and help prevent accidents in high-risk areas.
Enhanced Infrastructure Resilience:
Incorporating protective elements into road infrastructure improves its resilience to natural disasters and extreme weather events. Features like flood barriers, reinforced embankments, and drainage systems help mitigate the impact of floods, storms, and other environmental hazards.
Promotion of Active Transportation:
By providing safe and protected routes for pedestrians and cyclists, cities encourage more people to choose active modes of transportation. This not only reduces traffic congestion and pollution but also promotes public health and well-being.
Urban Beautification:
Protective elements such as landscaped medians, aesthetically designed barriers, and decorative street furniture can enhance the visual appeal of urban roads. Thoughtful design considerations contribute to creating more attractive and livable urban environments.
Incorporating protection into road design requires collaboration between urban planners, engineers, architects, and community stakeholders. By prioritizing safety, efficiency, and resilience, cities can create road networks that serve the needs of all road users while contributing to the overall quality of urban life.